Privacy Policy

Responsible for Treatment:

Contact information: LIVE BREATHE SMILE; Avenida do Atlântico, Nº 16, escritório 5.07, 1990-019, Parque das Nações, Lisboa (Portugal). Email:


What data do we process? To fulfill the purposes described below, we process identification, contact and financial data.


For what purpose do we process your data?: Your data will be processed to manage and respond to contact requests, queries, information and complaints, as well as manage the registration process on the Website and/or the services offered, manage donations and develop surveys.

We also process your data to send, including by electronic means, informative communications about the Website’s functionalities and activities promoted by the Data Controller (events, training sessions, surveys and studies).


For what period do we process your data? During the validity of the relationship maintained with us and, once this has ended, during the prescription periods of the obligations arising from the processing of the data.


The legal bases for the processing of your data are consent, the execution of the contractual relationship and compliance with legal obligations.


You can exercise the rights recognized in current legislation on data protection by sending a written communication to the Data Controller through the contact information indicated above. The applicant must accompany a copy of their national identity document, passport or other valid document that identifies them. If you do not wish to receive informative communications from the Data Controller, you can express your opposition or request unsubscription at any time by sending a request to the address Likewise, in each informative communication you receive by electronic means, you will have a mechanism to unsubscribe or cancel your subscription. Users have the right to file a claim with the Portuguese Data Protection National Commission ( when they consider that the processing of their personal data violates applicable regulations.


The Website uses its own and third-party cookies to make the use of the Website and the services offered possible, as well as to understand how our users interact with the Website and analyze their behavior to be able to show advertising related to their preferences based on a profile created from your browsing habits. For more information, visit our Cookies Policy.